Why Choose Us?
May you feel all the Kindness and Love here and May your every Step be Light.
ArkHeart Foundation is a new Humanity Collaborative Community Associate.
It is a humanitarian ~ community service ~ not-for-profit ~ non-government organisation.
Gill & Kye
store owner
Hi, we are Kye & Gill, the founders of ArkHeart.
ArkHeart: a non-profit, non-government Foundation with a vision we have nurtured for a long time.
For the past 20 years, we have followed the guidance of our hearts in everything we do, and that has led us on some pretty wild adventures, all of them with a huge family of animals in tow! We communicate with our animals as conscious beings, acknowledging them as the wise guides, guardians and friends they are. To restore the awareness of animals as sentient conscious beings is part of our mission. It’s time to give the animals a voice, let them be seen for whom they are and reclaim our magical selves. We live by example, choosing to live in compassion and kindness for all.